Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Have a Nice Day is NOT Thank You

You've heard it. I know you have. "Have a nice day," as you're handed your purchase of whatever nature. Sometimes it even comes complete with a perky smile. All very nice, but not a phrase of appreciation. Not an acknowledgment that you, the purchaser, have a made a choice that directly affects said employee, said business, said whatever. Not even a smidgen of gratitude that you choose this particular venue to spend your hard earned dollars...when you could have gone to any number of other vendors (for instance).

Whatever happened to thank you? Thank you...which said so simply means so much. Thank you for your purchase. Thank you for choosing our product over the countless others. Thank you for your part in seeing that I, your humble (ha) employee, get a paycheck.

Where did it go? And why? I don't mind if that HAND (Have a Nice Day) phrase is tacked on after a Thank you, but please it is not a substitute. It hasn't completely vanished. Last spring, I happened to stop in a fast food restaurant in North Carolina on my way further south. As I was handed my bag, a polite teenager said to me "Thank you"....I almost dropped the bag. It made my day (I'm so easy to please...).

It occurs to me that Thank You has vanished into the manners void. Does anyone have them any more? Does anyone care? I guess that response of "You're Welcome" is useless as well. Maybe they're just quaint phrases relegated to old novels....ones people will read and say, "Weren't they formal back then?" As if.

I find myself saying Thank You to these maybe-innocents-of-manners (giving them the benefit of the doubt) in an effort to prod them into polite society. Usually, it is to no avail. I've actually had one or two say "You're Welcome" to me in response. I stare at them an extra second longer in total amazement. Okay, so you do know the expression. In those cases, I suppose I will have to fault management (maybe in all cases). Do you not expect (demand) that your employees thank the customers?? The answer is, sadly, in so many cases...No.

I cannot really understand the employee who says "You're welcome" to a customer...without ever having thanked said customer. The customer has just paid have not done them a favor. You have done your job. Which you would not have without customers. Get it?? If the customer says "Thank You" to you, it is a simple politeness...which if you, the employee have not said to the customer you are 1) ungrateful 2) ill-mannered 3) ignorant and 4) contributing to the coarseness of society. IF you have not said Thank You to your customer and said customer thanks you, the response should be "Thank You" with emphasis.

But, really. Why be so hard on an employee? After all, in every case, there is someone above responsible. Okay, so who trains these people? If you actually practice being polite to a customer (which is, apparently, necessary), do you follow up? Do you ever listen to interactions? Do you remind at meetings? Do you lead by example?

Wouldn't it be great if not saying Thank You was the exception instead of the norm?

That's all I'm asking....a simple Thank You.

Oh...and Thank You for reading....gotta have a sense of humor!


Well, that's done. The very first SLICE. As my children say, I am extremely proficient at it (ha)...however, I am sure with practice, I will become even better.

1 comment:

kate said...

I'm with you on this - there are some stores where we are always thanked and then others where the

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